I got tired of copy / pasting onto every page whenever I updated any content in the sidebars so I learned some light javascript (which sucks btw) to make things cleaner and easier to manage. Now if I update either side bar content, its automatically & dynamically updated across all pages. JS does not seem to make sense logically for me, and upon further research, it seems like a ridiculous language in of itself. I don't think I will be diving into learning much of it, only enough to get the basic features I need.
Task: Fix mobile viewing. I used chatGPT to optimize the mobile viewing code. It was confusing trying to fix it so I had GPT take a look at my code and it recommended some changes and once I implemented / tested it out, we are finally at a decent mobile viewing layout.
Getting back into the swing of things. Hoping to update the website at least once a month moving fwd, we shall see. Today I got tired of dealing with the copy / paste workflow to update this website so now im using the neocities CLI interface for updates. Much better workflow and updates the site instantly (just remember to clear your cache). To install / use the command line interface, I followed the info in neocities -> settings -> CLI link on bottom. Since I am using linux, I installed ruby, then installed neocities via rubys package manager 'gem'. -> 'gem install neocities'. Once that was setup and running, I was able to login to neocities and start using the CLI features.
Updated website to actually play the song of the month. Now its finally working and resized.
Added an audio element to play nostlagic music lol. So easy to implement. This months song is Tomb Raider ps1 OST song. =]
Been editing the site when I get some time. There is so much things that need to be done! I am learning to block out tasks as to not get so sidetracked. Currently working on the layout, aesthetics, colors and formatting. Its wild how customizable you can get. Its a rabbit hole lol. =] -Sid 6ix7
The unreal tournament 99 smiley gifs are from a bygone era. Perused the web looking for them, only recalling my deep memories trying to find them. They were always on clan websites. Luckily the internet archives had them saved from some random UT99 fan site.
Experimenting a lot with different looks and formatting. Building from scratch and learning every single intricacy is feeding my curiosity bug. I need to understand why things work the way they do. I am not a fan of templates unless I know whats going on 'under the hood'. Also I am still trying to figure out what to even put on the website. I have a million different ideas lol.
Still working on the layout. TEST
This site is currently under-construction but it will be my corner of the web that will contain many many things. Most importantly it is an homage to the early web. Web 1.0, old web, retro web, 90s inspired etc...Shrines and all! =]
This website will be built from the ground up as part of me re-learning how to do this. I built very amateur websites in the early 2000s during college.