content ideas for site

I finally settled on a general format and layout for the site after recreating it inside the HUGO golang framework. This will make things for contained and organized. The purpose of using a framework like HUGO is to make creating content for your site seemless and clean, no messing with redundant html code. The site is still pretty bare and lacking content. I will try to come up with ideas to add but that has actually been the most difficult part of the site. Creating the site is fun but the ideas seem hard lol. At first I was going to make this an all in one site that would be my creative and professional portfolio but I think I am settled on keeping this site more light, fun, personal and interesting. I will create a separate professional portfolio.

Anyways, I think I will add stuff like:

  • music section
  • nostalgia section
  • videogame section
  • fun hacking / coding section
  • art section
  • guides / projects etc section.

-SID 67.